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REINVENTers at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting

Location: Washington DC
REINVENTers Bregje van Veelen (Durham University) and Mark Cooper (UC Davis, previously Lund University) are attending the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in Washington DC this spring. They are organising a session titled Realising transformative climate economies? The place(s) of green finance in the Anthropocene. The session includes four presentations and a contribution from discussant Sabine Dörry of the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER). The session will be held on 3 April from 14:35 to 16:15. Further details, including the location can be found here.

In addition to this, Bregje is also presenting a paper based on some of the fieldwork she has conducted as part of REINVENT. This presentation brings together findings from her fieldwork with research conducted by Alice Hague (Hutton Institute, UK) to explore the emergence of faith-based organisations as key actors in addressing climate change, from promoting local food systems to divesting from high-carbon industries. Bregje's presentation is part of the session ‘Making' climate subjects: Examining subjectivity, identity and agency in climate change mitigation and adaptation (1), which is held on 4 April from 15:05 to 16:45. More details can be found here.